Monday, October 11, 2010

One of **those** weekends...

Lots of things are going on right now and they are happening at a pace that is seemingly more and more difficult to stay on top of -- hopefully, just for now. Here is a short run down of what we're been up to lately:

- Dealing with a bullying issue at M's school AND seeing what the school is going to do to make it stop (they don't seem to 'get' that no response to bullying is a response)

-Going to M's volleyball games (this has been FUN!!)

-Working hard to help M get a major school project done (the grandparents were a HUGE help with this- they had M over all day Saturday AND Sunday to help her work toward getting her project done) and we think she is at least 85% done at this point - yeah!

-Working w/ M's doctor to change her dosage so she is feeling more in control of her emotions. She is on a trial right now of 20mg of her regular med and 1/3 of a capsule of the same med at a different dose.

-Checking out another school we could/possibly send her to another school (see lack of response to bullying issue above)

-M is starting Young Life tonight and a dear friend of ours is going to go to the first meeting with M (Tonight they are celebrating and making a 50ft ice cream sundae for the kids!)

-Trying to decide what kind of upgrades to do to our house. In the next few years we intend to sell, and we're trying to make improvements along the way.

-We are madly looking for a study skills program M could take to help her with organization & studying (please let me know if you know of any good places!!)

-All the above combined w/ regular, ordinary things has kept up super busy! Hopefully this week things s-l-o-w down!

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